In June 2021 we updated Midnight to version 7.0.3. This update brings you various improvements to existing ones, including some bug fixes. You can view all the changes here at our Midnight support page.

Order Search Data Restriction

  • A user now has the option to define how much data is returned in the order search screen by order date. You may choose to restrict the returned data to anywhere between all and down to the past year.

Midnight Payments Improvements

  • Billable Column Format in Payments – The Amount Billed column is now formatted to more easily see that it is an editable field.
  • New Payment Button in Payments – A New Payment button has been added so the user does not have to leave the payment screen to start a new payment record.
  • Deposit Account Dropdown Relocation – The deposit account dropdown has been move to directly below the customer dropdown to make it easier to see.