Perform Your System Updates Soon, And Benefit From A Fresh Start In 2021

The new year is right around the corner, and January is usually a great time to leverage data and perform basic system maintenance on your Management Information and Web-to-Print systems.

Clear any clutter and refresh with a few tips to help get you on the right track:

Update users
Remove outdated or duplicated entries to make a clear overview of your current staff.

Top Customers & Customer Contact
Personally reach out to your top customers to discuss planning for print / mail needs in 2021. You can get a report from the system that will show you how to create reports here:

MyOrderDesk Web-to-Print Printer’s Plan MIS | Midnight MIS

Lost Estimates
Perform a review of all estimates that you didn’t win.

Update Pricing
Examine the pros and cons of alternative pricing options.

Customer Experience Analysis
Consider surveying your customer’s experience with all the changes we’ve gone through this year. Make it easier for customers to pay by enabling online payments in your system. Learn more here:

Have you seen all of the new features that have been added to your software?
Look below for new features that are worth checking out!