#8: When copying an order, we need the option to update the press and stock info to make sure the newest data is being retrieved upon copy


#22: Reporting Automation and Batching


#24: Sub-Clients

We commit to allocating 500 hours of development time to address feature requests. Once this allocation is used up, further development may cease, and there’s a chance that not all of the top three requests will be accommodated.

Thank You for Your Feedback

“I feel there was good information shared at this conference. I feel I gained a lot of knowledge by attending. I especially liked the collaboration portion of the conversations. It helped me to hear from folks who were experiencing some of the same challenges that I have faced, and ways folks are handling solutions to things. I appreciate your willingness to hear from the end user to potentially glean ways to enhance the system. I know it is challenging to develop something that is going to satisfy everyone in every individual company situation, but after attending the conference and listening to the conversations I feel we are more similar than we realize.”

Cindy, DNI Group


  • The summit went well, schedule was simple and forth coming.
  • Having it at the beach!!! it was a beautiful venue and a nice get-a-way from Wisconsin :-)
  • Networking
  • Please continue to have them. It was great to have everyone get together to learn, share and grow.
  • Collaboration with users and requests. Open forum
  • I appreciated the insight into upcoming projects and the direction being taken by Print Reach. Based on the comments being discussed by participants, I feel it is important to involve end users to discuss impacts to the process and how it will enhance the workflow or potentially create additional work for the end user.
  • Allowing input/voting on product updates.
  • I found the review of the system functionality to be particularly helpful. That has inspired me to to revisit many of the Midnight functions we have never put into practice. The collaboration effort was also nice and I felt it reflected well on the new team and their desire to make improvements in areas that would benefit clients and lead to better functionality of the system within the different business models.
  • Dedicating time to allow users to discuss issues they have and requests for new enhancements.
  • Allowing for best practices-sharing among guests; revealing next steps on the products; keeping the event fairly short.
  • Provide overview of Technology updates, current, next and future. Statistics on current usage. Common complaints, issues. Vote on next major upgrade/feature to be expedited.
  • The networking breakout was great.
  • Continue soliciting feedback from your users to prioritize.
  • Taking feature requests! I know not all are possible, but it was nice to see that you all consider our needs when developing the software.
  • Everything. I loved this summit. I attended the Chicago summit years ago and I am pleasantly satisfied with the direction Print Reach is going.
  • Having so much of your staff at the summit is great! You being able to give real answers instead of saying I’ll have to check on that gives us so much more confidence in Midnight.
  • Meet and greets.  Interactions with other users are a key benefit.
  • Networking sessions.
  • Hear feedback from users. Share where Print Reach is going (Road map). Dedication of development based on user input.
  • The roadmap discussion and feature requests voting.

“All in all a great time and we look forward to doing this in the future”

Anthony, Compu-Mail, LLC

“First conference for me and overall liked the amount of information provided by the conference.”

Mary, DNI Corp

“As laid out, I felt the event was well managed with good flow.  Sometimes events like this can get draining, but I felt you guys did a good job interacting with the group, keeping us engaged, while allowing us to be part of the solution.”

Bryant, i3Logix

“First one I have attended. I will be back.”

Tom, Bluegrass Integrated Communications

“The summit was great!! Congratulations Aaron, Nate and your team! Looking forward to next year.”

Danielle, Cox Printers


  • When you have people break up in to peer groups, you should aid in the groupings by suggesting like departments gather, such as everyone that uses midnight for accounting would be a group, production would be another, and sales being another.
  • If you had the space it would be nice to break out into smaller groups and dive into a customers Midnight account to look at some of the issues/features. This might get some more conversations going and allow direct feedback to the issues at hand. this may also allow you to get the accounting people focused on their issues and the production folks focused on what they are there to see.
  • Breakout groups on specific topics.
  • There are certainly some suggestions. First – the day was LONG with the dinner show. It was too much. Second – some things should be broken out into sessions because not all topics are relevant to all users. As an example – each morning and afternoon session should be common – and interesting to all users, but the accounting users don’t care about estimating and inventory and vice versa. That may have allowed the same content in less time.
  • Live demonstrations of software concerns by users for collaboration.
  • There were a number of folks who seemed to be expressing similar concerns about issues that are being experienced when using Midnight. Becky had mentioned at one point during the conference that maybe a web conference would help, and I agree with that statement. I feel it would be helpful to potentially provide the option to join in to target specific areas of concern that were brought up during the conference. You may have work arounds in place for some of our concerns and we just don’t have the knowledge at this time. I would love to see some type of follow-up after the conference to help us resolve some of the things we deal with currently.
  • Create a portal – or link to a LinkedIn group – for discussion prior to the summit. Would help attendees coordinate travel to the hotel and plan to meet, etc.
  • Maybe break into groups that use the system for mostly printing and not mailings.
  • Maybe some awards to customers for best use of the application – or best ideas etc? Also, it would be nice to meet some of the service team who we interact with every week.  We should recognize some of them as well for all of their efforts.
  • Have separate presentations in different rooms that individuals with like minded issues can attend. This way those that have no interest in a particular topic/function etc. are not getting into the weeds of something that is not relevant to their business. Have separate break out speakers for : DJB, Payments, Inventory, CRM etc. Create a Portal/Chat room where all users can communicate best practices, ask questions etc.
  • Breakouts of various topics into smaller groups, allowing attendees to choose what they are interested in.
  • Have customers present with the Print Reach team on areas, have them demo how they are using the system for specific areas.
  • Maybe some more peer breakout sessions? For troubleshooting and workarounds.
  • – Make the slides available immediately after for “Take home” discussions.
    – Live stream or make the event accessible for paid attendees and their coworkers/employees/employers(just a suggestion).
  • Having the slides ready to send out right after the summit would be great and maybe follow up with a version that is updated with results and outcomes added would be good too. But having them right away would be great so while everything is still fresh in our minds we can brainstorm back at the shop about what we hope to accomplish internally to get the most out of your products.
  • I liked the murder mystery.   Do more things like that to get the attendees interacting.
  • Presenting the modules with both a customer and a Print Reach rep.  To show how they are using to their benefit.
  • Connect like users – according to how/what we use in Midnight, and what we want to learn more about.
  • I think there should be a section of breakout sessions related to specific modules (ie. inventory and warehouse, postage, CRM etc.). Also, a way for attendees to easily share their contact information with others.


  • The open forum on the last day should be a little bit more organized timing wise, if your going to hear from the crowd on suggestions and opinions then all the questions should be given equal time to the best of your ability. There were a lot of duplicate requests that could have been eliminated from spread sheet to streamline the session. There was a long discussion on accounting features but no one at my table dealt with that department so our attention dropped. Also, it seemed many people had to leave early to catch flights so they werent there to expand on their requests. Maybe a suggestion for next conference is to collect questions in the weeks before and use that list to start off the event to manage expectations then you could do a follow up at the end to see if those questions/requests were answered/sated and then introduce any new requests that your presentations didn’t cover.
  • Don’t let the peer sessions pick their own tables. you should assign them to get more interaction and not have tables of the same company converse during that network time.
  • Same answer as above. you lose the room when topics are not interesting for all users.
  • I don’t know that I would stop doing any part of it.
  • Have better food. Breakfast was ok – not too great on the lunch and dinner.
  • Nothing, this was great!
  • Less free form style presentations.

QUESTION: Currently we are having to rely on account managers to hit the reset tax button to ensure sales tax is calculated correctly if any changes are made to the order. Is there a way for MN to automatically recalculate sales tax any time changes are made and saved on an order? Sometimes the reset tax button is being overlooked in the process which results in the sales tax being billed incorrectly. Also currently MN defaults to non taxable when setting up a new client in the CRM. Currently it relies on the person setting that client up to make that decision and they may or may not remember to address that area. In Tennessee sales are considered taxable unless I receive the appropriate sales tax exemption certificate issued by the State of Tennessee. Is there a way to have a box to check in the Company set up file that would allow us to change the default to taxable?

ANSWER: Currently there is not an alternative to either of these workflows. These would need to be enhancement requests.

QUESTION: Is there the ability to create custom invoice forms utilizing multiple logos?

ANSWER: Yes, either use a different company with an additional logo setup or clone report and insert the logo you would like to use.

QUESTION: Inside the DJB can you separate by location in the version status view? We have 5 locations and it is hard to follow jobs as all 5 locations show up.

ANSWER: Unfortunately. there is not a way to do this at this time. This would need to be a feature request.

QUESTION: The new forms are visually appealing and informative! Thank you. Could we customize the reports with our branding guidelines?

ANSWER: Yes, clone the report and customize it.

QUESTION: When invoicing Pagedna orders through midnight..is there any easy way to delete versions?

ANSWER: Yes, go to versions select the “X” on the one you would like to delete.

QUESTION: Can the tracking number be added to the job when the order is scanned for shipping?

ANSWER: The tracking number can only be added with an integrated shipping solution such as ShipStation.

QUESTION: Cannot scan when shipping a pageant order I think because of the dash in the order number. Can that be fixed?

ANSWER: Yes, the order number can be edited to not include the dash(-).

QUESTION: Is there a roadmap item to have unique barcodes for multiple skids of a single product in the warehouse?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, this is not currently a Road Map item.

A Heartfelt Thank You to All the Attendees!